Bow 'n Arrow

Neither I nor the maker of this toy are responsible for modifications you make to this toy. If any damage is incurred to yourself, others , or property (be it yours or otherwise) during the modification, or use of said modified toy, you are solely responsible.
I recommend any modification be made with adult supervision.

Destructor Difficulty Level: Easy
Maximum Load: 1 Arrow or 1 Suction Dart
Max. Distance Increase: +10 feet
Opt. Distance Increase: +10 feet

Directions: Take the top 1 inch of the barrel and saw it off. This gives the airflow a straight unobstructed path for which to flow. This also gives enough room in the barrel to now allow a Suction Dart to be used as well as Arrows.

This Destructor tip was sent in to me by 14 year old Geoff from Canada in 1996. Thanks Geoff for a most excellent tip.