
NerfCenter Review

Nerf® Switchfire
 Ammo: Ballistic BallsAmmo: Missiles  NCR: 2.0 | TR: 15.2

Blaster Summary

Averaged NCR  |

  Golden NGolden N (2.0)

TechRating  |


Release Date  |


Availability  |




Series  |



1 X 2 ft. Target

@ 10 ft.

Missiles:  95%
Ballistic Balls:  85%

@ 15 ft.

Missiles:  80%
Ballistic Balls:  45%

@ 20 ft.

Missiles:  65%
Ballistic Balls:  35%

@ 25 ft.

Missiles:  40%
Ballistic Balls:  20%


Missiles:  70%
Ballistic Balls:  27%

2 X 4 ft. Target

@ 10 ft.

Missiles:  100%
Ballistic Balls:  100%

@ 15 ft.

Missiles:  90%
Ballistic Balls:  90%

@ 20 ft.

Missiles:  70%
Ballistic Balls:  70%

@ 25 ft.

Missiles:  55%
Ballistic Balls:  55%


Missiles:  79%
Ballistic Balls:  79%


Missiles:  74.5%
Ballistic Balls: 53%


Blaster Statistics

Ammo Type(s)  |

  3 Missiles
  3 Ballistic Balls

Max. Distance  |

  Missiles:  33 feet
  Ballistic Balls:  27 feet

PTG Distance  |

  Missiles:  21 feet
  Ballistic Balls:  15 feet

Ammo Velocity  |

  Missiles:  30.08 ft. / sec.
  Ballistic Balls:  32.32 ft. / sec. 

Optimum Pumps  |


Rate of Fire  |

  1 shot per 2.6 sec.

Dimensions  |

  2' 4.75" X 3.125" X 5.375"
  12 oz.



Insert four ballistic balls into the Switchfire’s orange ball launching attachment, and one missile into the orange missile launching attachment. Extra missiles may also be inserted into the missile launching attachment’s holders, but these missiles will not fire. Place the attachment you would like to use on the base unit’s blue attachment post, and twist until the attachment locks in place.

The Switchfire’s ball launching attachment needs to be fully filled with four balls, or you will have a difficult time getting this attachment to fire.

This blaster does not need to be primed.

Pull back the Switchfire’s black firing handle and push it forward. The ammo contained with whatever attachment you are using will fire. All four balls in the ball launching attachment can be fired in succession, but the missile launching attachment needs to be reloaded after each shot.

The attachments of the Switchfire are prone to launch off the blaster unexpectedly. Be careful not to hurt someone when you are using this product.


Written Reviews


Andy Grau
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NerfCenter Rating

The Nerf Switchfire takes two very bad ideas of the Nerf product line - Missile ammunition and interchangeable parts, and combines them into one product. In addition, this blaster also uses the mediocre Ballistic Ball ammunition, thus making the Switchfire a very poor launcher overall.

To make matters worse, the interchangeable parts of the Switchfire never seem to stay in place. Indeed, although the missile and ball barrels are designed to lock onto the base unit, they always seem to unlatch themselves at the very worst moment, often propelling the barrel farther than the ammo.

Tonka pulled the Switchfire from production very quickly because of the aforementioned problems, thus making the blaster a collectors item. If you’re not a collector, though, stay away form this launcher - it’s of very little value otherwise.


Matt Michal
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NerfCenter Rating

The Nerf Switchfire fires balls and missiles.  Enough said?  Well, because the launcher uses the two worst types of ammo it is logical that the blaster is terrible.  Both the balls and missiles have horrible range and accuracy.  However, this is stereotypical of all ball and missile blasters.

What makes this blaster worse than all the others is that Hasbro decide to use both types of ammo.  The Switchfire features two different barrels that detach from the blaster.  However, both the ball barrel and missile barrel secure loosely to the blaster.  This means that a lot of air pressure it lost when the launcher is fired.  Therefore this blaster has particularly little range.  In addition to this problem, the loose attachments often fall off.  One might find themselves picking up the barrels dozens of times during a war.  

The Nerf Switchfire is a bad idea and is not worth having in an arsenal.


Andi Hlabse
Click here to send e-mail to Andi
Click here to see Matt's TeamNC profile
NerfCenter Rating

While the Nerf Switchfire is one of the more ammo versatile blasters around, it simply isn’t powerful enough to hold up as a stud blaster. The major upsides to the Switchfire are the fact that is fires multiple ammo types and that it is probably the best missile launcher Nerf produced. It fires missiles with as much velocity and accuracy as any blaster. It’s also very nice in a Nerf war not to have to be too particular with ammo type.

The major fallout occurs when the ball-firing barrel of the Switchfire is employed. While firing, this barrel tends to work itself loose and will occasionally fly off when you fire. This launcher fires balls very weakly, with very limited distance and accuracy. There is also a fundamental problem with the Switchfire’s firing mechanism. You really have to jam the push trigger to get the ammo to fire with any potency at all, causing immense error in accuracy.

The Switchfire is fairly diverse, but its faults in the ball blasting department weaken it too much to play a role in a winning Nerf war.


In Brief

>  Fires Ballistic Balls and missiles
Strongest missile blaster
>  Fires missiles
>  Interchangeable barrels fall off during use
>  Terrible accuracy 
Good choice if you need diversity - if not, the Switchfire is just a health hazard!   
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